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“…Sugar is toxic beyond its calories”–Professor Lustig, UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital February 4, 2012

Posted by mygiftofcancer in breast cancer, cancer, health, healthy living, sugar.
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I was working on some photos for posting on our charity projects website, when my husband alerted me to the article below which is another reaction to the study (reported in “Nature”, a top research journal) referred to in the previous post on this site. The article I included on Feb. 2  is titled: A little sugar  ’is not a problem, but a lot kills – slowly’  . The results of the study led the scientists to propose some practical measures that would help us as a society to wean ourselves from this destructive addiction. In their words, their suggestions are “gentle ways to make sugar consumption slightly less convenient, thereby moving people away from the concentrated dose.”

Let’s at least consider it. Of course, those who make money from high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) and other sweetening agents will not only vehemently object, but do all they can to sabotage such a course of action, but we’re at a point of crisis and “in my humble opinion” some control needs to be exerted over those who care not for anything but profits.

Here’s the aforementioned article: (more…)